Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mal at 16 Months

Mallory is 16 mos & growing every day!  She's learning all the motions for songs in her Wiggleworms class - the Wheels on the Bus & Itsy Bitsy Spider are big hits in our house!  She enjoys a lil bit of TV time w/ both parents - when football is on she enthusiastically yells 'GO!' at the screen & dances & claps w/ mommy when Dancing with the Stars is on.  She loves all animals - at the zoo or dogs around the neighborhood - she's never met a furry friend she doesn't like.  Melsons may be on the hunt for a (hypoallergenic) pet soon.  She's making lots of friends at music class & weekly playgroup - Boo & Elmo are still her very best bffs. 

Mallory loves to play!  We go on family outings in her pink car and riding on her rocking horse.  She's really good at stacking building blocks & learning her animals via flashcards.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fall Fun - 2012

The last few months have been flying by - we've been pretty busy but had some great outings to the Lincoln Park & Brookfield Zoos, to Purdue for the Wisconsin game, Goebbert's Pumpkin Patch and Halloween parties at Mommy's work & on Southport. 

Love at first sight!

Mallory has fallen pretty hard for a lil red monster!  It all started w/ the Elmo ABC's iPad App and we're pretty sure one of Mal's first 10 words was Elmoooooooo - she's also seen him on the Elmo Calls app on iPhone, on Sprout,  Elmo's World movies, and in person at the pumpkin patch & Halloween parade! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dancing & Laughing

Mallory is just tons of fun & keeps us on our toes!  She's a true toddler who is exploring the world around her - which forced us to do some serious baby-proofing!  She loves music class and is learning how to do The Itsy Bitsy Spider hand motions!  She loves all music (even the kind Daddy plays in the car) and dancing around the house. 

Mallory playing piano at music class:

Dancing at lunch:
Amusing herself in the car:

Mommy & Daddy Have Been Slackers!

We haven't posted in 5 mos - and what a 5 mos it has been!  Mallory turned ONE year old in July and the Melson Family moved to Wrigleyville in July too, we had a great summer vacation at Lake Wawasee in August, Mallory has started walking, talking and developing her own lil personality SO much!  We're going to get better about posting regularly but here are a few great photos & videos we wanted to share from the last five months!

First steps caught on video!